



DebiCheck is the name for a specific type of debit order. A DebiCheck debit order is one that you confirm, electronically on a once-off basis (at the start of your contract). Its purpose is for you to confirm the details of the debit order with your bank before it is processed to your bank account.

Who made this decision and why?

During the last couple of years debit order abuse has increased. On the one hand, there has been an increase in the number of debit orders being processed to consumers’ bank accounts without their consent. On the other hand, consumers have increasingly been disputing debit orders which they actually have agreed to, mostly to manage their cash flow. For these reasons, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) decided to review the debit order landscape and during 2013 instructed the Payments Association (PASA) and the banks to address these issues. DebiCheck aims to address both of these issues by introducing electronic consumer confirmation for all DebiCheck debit orders.

What is the difference between DebiCheck debit orders and other debit orders?

DebiCheck debit orders are debit orders that you will confirm, electronically and on a once off basis. Its purpose is for you to confirm the details of the debit order with your bank before it is processed to your account. Other debit orders are not confirmed electronically, although you still need to have a valid mandate in place.

What does ‘electronically confirm’ mean?

To electronically confirm your debit order means that you confirm the details of your debit order on an electronic device such as your cellphone, your bank app, your personal computer or perhaps an ATM. Your bank will let you know which options are available for you to use.

Why the need to electronically confirm debit orders?

It ensures that you are in control of and aware of debit orders being processed to your bank account. Additionally, it provides the company that you are dealing with, with the comfort of knowing that you have acknowledged and are aware of these debits orders. It also allows your bank to record the debit order information and to check the information before they process the debit order to your account.

Why is this important for me as a consumer?

DebiCheck puts you in control of the debit orders that you are able to confirm. You will have the comfort of knowing that DebiCheck debit orders must be processed within the agreed conditions that you have confirmed.

How is DebiCheck different from what we have now?

DebiCheck allows you to confirm the debit order information with your bank, at the start of the contract. This means that your bank will now have a record of all DebiCheck debit orders and will be able to verify the information before the debit order is processed to your account. Currently, banks do not have record of your debit orders and therefore cannot verify that the debit order information is correct before they process your debit order.

How often will I need to confirm my DebiCheck debit order?

You will only need to confirm your debit order information at the start of the contract. However, if the debit order information that you confirmed changes, your bank will ask you to confirm the new information. What do I need to do as a consumer? For existing debit orders – nothing. For new DebiCheck debit orders, you will need to check and confirm the new debit order information in the manner requested by your bank. This could either be in person (face-to-face), using online banking or your banking app or remotely by call centre or a request sent via your mobile phone.

What education will I receive as a consumer to ensure I understand the process?

Your bank will have information handy to assist you with any questions you may have. You can also find more information on

Will all my debit orders have mandates?

All debit orders processed against your bank account must have mandates, but may not necessarily be subject to DebiCheck confirmation. No debit orders can be processed to your bank account without a mandate.

How can I ensure all my debit orders are mandated?

It is important to remember that all debit orders must have mandates. Check your bank statement regularly to ensure you are aware of all debit orders that are being processed to your account. Also make sure that you have given a mandate for each of those debit orders. For DebiCheck debit orders, your bank will now also have an electronic confirmation of you agreeing with the debit order information of each mandate.

Can I choose which debit orders must be electronically confirmed using DebiCheck?

As a consumer, unfortunately not. Companies who use the debit order system choose whether they want to use DebiCheck, or not. If they choose to use DebiCheck, you will receive an electronic request to confirm the debit order information. If not, you just need to ensure you have a signed paper or telephonically approved (voice) recorded mandate.

Why can’t I use DebiCheck for ALL debit orders?

This is definitely a long term goal for the South African Reserve Bank and the Payment Association of South Africa. Unfortunately, due to the number of debit orders and entities involved in these processes, this will have to be done in a phased approach.

How do I know that the company that is debiting my bank account is part of the new system?

Debit orders requiring electronic confirmation with your bank are called DebiCheck debit orders. You can enquire from the company that your debit order is with, whether or not they are part of the DebiCheck system. If you are not required to electronically confirm the debit order information with your bank, at the start of your contract, the company that you are dealing with is not using DebiCheck for this debit order.

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